Saturday, August 22, 2009

4.30 Technology!

Why is it that whenever I can't sleep I feel the urge to try new things - usually things that require my full brain capacity and let's face it ... 4am is not the time for THAT!!

I have been feeling that my blog needs an update. Those who know me well, know that I want to be more computer savvy, but am not logical enough for all that! I wrote a year of weekly newsletters, getting more confident with each new trick I learnt eg text boxes! Who knew!!??
With my blog - the most I have done is manage to moderate comments! So - I was very proud to have added the weather box, a counter to see how few people actually pop onto the blog and read 'me' and a link to another website. But I wanted more ....
I was regretting not having taken advantage of my cool ultra techie Danie, while she was living down the road, and thinking about how I could possibly persuade my equally cool ultra techie Jill, with her 3 month old baby, to take time out of her non-stop day to teach me some stuff ... when it struck me - change your template!
So I did!
And I lost all the stuff I had already added, but found easy ways to add other bits.
Now I have to find a way to add in the stuff that has vanished, and then go to bed a happy woman!!
Sweet Dreams - and let me know what you think of the all new, hopefully improved me!

1 comment:

Sejal said...

I think I have managed to allow comments - have a go!